How to identify the presence of parasites in the human body

The question of how to identify parasites in the human body worries many because these organisms, which pursue a parasitic lifestyle, presuppose a permanent or temporary existence in the human body. This can happen according to certain symptoms. Although different parasites manifest in different ways, there are common symptoms that can make a person think they don’t have very pleasant roommates. Second, the presence of parasites in the body can be determined by special diagnostics. Timely diagnosis makes it possible to prevent serious consequences and to avoid diseases caused by the negative effects of worms.

Signs of parasites in the body

How do you know if there are parasites in your body? You need to listen carefully to your body and the processes that take place in it. In the initial stages of parasitic invasions, the symptoms may not be bright enough, but a person who is attentive to his or her health will notice the abnormalities and be wary of:

  1. Allergic reactions. One sign of a parasite attack on the human body is an allergy. In response to the harmful effects of parasites, the human body begins to produce more eosinophil protective cells. May cause allergic reactions. Parasites, in turn, release immunoglobulin E into the blood of their host, which contributes to the increased allergy. The parasite is the strongest wormwood allergen, causing reactions in the body (skin rash), digestive system, lungs and conjunctiva.
  2. Discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract. Parasites localized in the small intestine provoke an inflammatory process in it, as a result of which the normal functioning of the intestine is interrupted. Nutrients are poorly absorbed, undigested fats get into the rectum, while a person has cramps, diarrhea alternates with constipation. In addition, the patient experiences pain in the epigastric region, left or right hypochondria, nausea, and heartburn. Appetite disappears, weight loss. In case of disturbance of the work of the bile ducts and the digestive system, acne and pigmentation may appear on the skin, the skin dries and flabby, and the face is dull.
  3. Some worms, due to their size or number, can block the bile ducts, causing the generalbile duct to become clogged, aggravating or stopping bile outflow, and in humans it is manifested as obstructive jaundice. Because toxic substances are excreted primarily through the skin, problems with the gallbladder or liver affect the condition of the skin. Stains, pimples appear, the complexion turns yellow.
  4. Stool disorderspresent as diarrhea and constipation. Constipation occurs when the intestinal lumen is blocked by parasites. As for diarrhea, it is provoked by prostaglandin-like substances that cause chloride and sodium deficiency in the body.
  5. Prolonged diarrhea causes the body to lose water, leading todysbiosis.
  6. Parasites greatly deplete the immune system, immunoglobulin A is produced in smaller amounts, and the body becomes vulnerable to viral and infectious diseases.
  7. Because parasites migrate through the body, they can settle anywhere, including muscle and synovial fluid. As a result of their intervention in the muscles and joints, inflammatory processes occur which cause pain. Therefore, a personhas pain in his joints and muscle aches.
  8. Due to the digestive and nutrient absorption disorders of worms, people suffer from malnutrition and low blood sugar levels, resulting in weight loss. Pathogenic organisms absorb the minerals and trace elements needed by humans, thereforeanemia and premature aging.
  9. Anxiety and nervous system conditions trigger toxic waste products from parasites, affect the nervous system, and cause a variety of disorders.Insomniain humans is due to the fact that at night the body tends to try to get rid of harmful organisms.
  10. In some cases, a large accumulation of helminthic infectionscan provoke oncological processesin the host's body, especially if the parasites in a particular organ - lungs, liver, pancreas, etc.

An attentive person will certainly notice the symptoms described. You need to check for parasites on your own or see a doctor to get a diagnosis.

Diagnostic Measures

The presence of parasites in the human body can be determined by a number of diagnostic procedures that not only detect the presence of parasites with high accuracy, but also determine their type, amount, localization, and harm to human health.

Until recently, the presence of parasites was determined only on the basis of stool analysis. Although this is the simplest research method, its accuracy is not very high.The fact that parasites don’t lay their eggs every day and you can’t guess exactly when this will happen. Therefore, you must donate stool 10 times a month for an accurate diagnosis. It is not very convenient to work and study. But now there are more advanced diagnostic methods:

  1. X-rays, endoscopy, and endobiopsydetect parasites in the internal organs (lungs, bile, liver, and so on).
  2. PCR (polymerase chain reaction). Samples taken in the form of saliva, secretions or blood samples are used to determine the DNA of the parasite. If the blood test shows the presence of parasites, a PCR test can be used to determine if the parasites are of one type or another.
  3. ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay). Detects antigens and immunoglobulins. Such a diagnosis is 90% accurate and follows the type, number, and overall dynamics of the parasites.
  4. Bioresonance diagnostics. The patient's body is affected by electromagnetic vibrations, while only the presence of pathogenic organisms can be controlled, but their species is impossible to determine.

Conclusion and conclusions

If you suspect you have parasites or just want to test this score, you should consult a doctor - a parasitologist or infectious disease specialist who will tell you how to test and if the results are positive, prescribe the right treatment. Self-care is highly timid. First, antiparasitic agents have many contraindications as they are very toxic. Therefore, they should only be taken after a doctor's prescription. Only a doctor can select the right dose to kill the parasites and minimize damage to the human body.

Second, some parasites must be removed from the body under medical supervision. When a drug acts on a parasite, it dies, but before that it releases toxins into its host’s blood that can cause anaphylactic shock in humans.

Third, traditional anti-parasite remedies are not effective. They only act as a precautionary measure, or in the event that the infection has just occurred and the larva has not yet developed, in all other cases with meaningless pumpkin seeds, green walnuts, wormwood, etc. soon.